Friday, February 6, 2009

Thoughts on Cultural Theory

Michael Thompson, Richard Ellis, and Aaron Wildavsky, authors of the book Cultural Theory believe there are four political cultures. The elitists, the individuals, the egalitarians, and the fatalists are all discussed. I did not quite understand what this meant until they made the comparison with elitists wearing uniforms, individuals wearing suits, egalitarians blue jeans, and fatalists shopping at a thrift store. I do agree with the message Wildavsky is sending, however, it raises questions about classes and if we are born into certain social means are we doomed? If someone is born into a family that can not afford to send them to college, which means they probably will not find a great job, I mean maybe they will, but likely not are they doomed to be fatalists forever? It is depressing to know that before you are born you are automatically classified like a book in a library. Speaking of books don't judge one by its cover. Another question I had is are we talking about social issues only in America or other countries? I bet they don't have these issues in France.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Demographics Influencing Pop culture

My personal feeling is that demographics represent a certain group of people and by this I do not mean race or gender, but a specific group of people. For example a group of athletes, musicians, scholars, doctors, teachers, or even certain age groups such as men 50 and older. Knowing what type of demographic one is trying to reach is crucial in the advertising world. If one is trying to promote women's shoes for example they would not advertise of ESPN or the fishing channel. While I am sure these networks do have some women viewers this would not be a good promotion for one's product. Demographics influence pop culture in that we live in an age of technology and a lot of television watching. If a young girl sees a group of dancers in an ad for a hip hop CD, she will want to buy the CD and even become a dancer because they "Look Cool". If an older man sees a commercial in which the older guy in the sports car gets the young, pretty woman he may consider his form of transportation. We have seen many different forms of style and expression over the years. In the eighties for example men began to grow their hair long, people bagan to wear holy jeans, and grunge was in. This is a pop culture phenomenon due to the hair bands and who they appealed to. It was advertising. Snap bracelits and rolled up jeans was the cool way to go about living one's life. These are trends that come and go, and ussually come back. Advertising affects pop culture in that people do what they can to be accepted, and the ads on television tell them what is acceptable. Each ad appeals to a certain demographic or we would not have ads. I think your resume is advertising because at a job interview, or even just showing it to those around you for kicks, you are in a sense selling yourself. It is a form of promoting and trying to accomplish a goal. I read chapter 2 and will post another blog discussing it.